Bienvenido a mi blog

I normally post stuff on Facebook. Randomly. And although it is a good way of keeping in touch with friends and family somebody suggested I should create a blog which I ignored until recently.

So for reasons unknown I used Blogger to create my blog. And here I am at the end of May 2013 posting my first page.

Some while ago I was born in Clapham in south London just 3 miles from Stamford Bridge which is home to my team and as long as you do not support Man United, Liverpool, Arsenal or Spurs then you are welcome to post comments here. I’m just kidding, of course I love you all, well most of the time.

I live amongst zillions of olive trees in Spain's Andalucía which is rich in history, gastronomy and olives... And one day I’ll get to see properly the magical cities of Granada, Jaén and Córdoba and their palaces, castles, little known treasures and tapas.

My home is in a small pueblo blanco with a population of 642 people where I live alone at Casa Adora with my herbs, travel wall, Andaluz patio and music. And now my blog too.

Food is a passion of mine, I enjoy sourcing the ingredients (that is not always easy for some items in rural Spain), preparation and cooking from scratch each day. My soon to be sister-in-law suggested I should be on ‘Come Dine With Me’ but I am not competitive about it. Food just needs a bit of attention, imagination and love. Although I admit it always tastes better when it is for two… a glass of something chilled usually helps also.

And if you want a feel for my blog then this is how I think you should look after enjoying pasta made with a rich and slow cooked tomato sauce. This is my grandson, Alvaro, who lives in Almería with my eldest son’s family. 

Note: If you do not like Spain, food, wine and football then you'll probably be better off not following my blog. But anyway give it a try, go on you know you want to. Oh and remember to press the Share button!